

Photo of Brendon Smith's standing desk at home

Computer setup and settings. Apple Silicon ready.

My dotfiles repo contains my computer setup and settings. "Dotfiles" are application configuration and settings files. They frequently begin with a dot, hence the name. Dotfiles are compatible with Linux and macOS.

I use this repo to set up and automate my development environment. Why?

  • Make developer environments automated and disposable. Disposability is an important concept in infrastructure-as-code DevOps, serverless computing, CI/CD, and more recently, in-browser development environments. Why aren't developers applying automation and disposability to their own computers? With an automated disposable developer environment, setup of a new machine is fast and easy. This approach is also liberating - I can purchase a new computer (or wipe an existing one), run a single script, and be up and running again in no time.
  • Know when and why settings change. I not only know what tools and settings I'm using, but when and why I chose the tools and settings. This has been particularly important for VSCode, because settings change (and break) frequently, and it helps to record troubleshooting info in the Git log.
  • Learn new skills. I learn skills, like shell scripting, that are useful and don't go out of date quickly. I wouldn't know shell as well if I didn't work on my developer environment. I learn these skills by tinkering a little bit at a time, in an unstructured way. It's time I might not otherwise be writing code.